Our Community
St Simon the Apostle Primary School Rowville
At St Simon the Apostle, we provided a welcoming and approachable environment for all members of our school community, staff, students and families.
We hosted numerous community-based events, including: The Parents' Association events, a whole school Maths Fun Day, NAIDOC Week celebrations, Athletics Day, camps and excursions, Book Week events, Outdoor Education Fun days and Open Days just to name a few.
We provided as many opportunities as possible for parent involvement and engagement throughout the school, including Literacy and Numeracy Parent Helpers program, Parents' Association members, excursions, incursions, Uniform shop, Parish Sacramental Program (Confirmation) and School Advisory Board Members.
We communicate regularly between school and home via our online newsletter, emails and the school app. Operoo. We continued to implement the use of Operoo, which is a secure platform that collects student details and collates all forms online for St Simon's.
We pride ourselves on engaging with the wider community at a variety of levels e.g. choir performances (when possible), student raising funds for Project Compassion, Caritas and various other charities.
We also contributed monthly to Rowville-Lysterfield Community News, updating the wider community of school events and 'what's happening at St Simon the Apostle Primary School.

St Simon the Apostle shares a rich history with St Simon’s Parish starting in 1982 with the opening of the school. In its initial stages the school had just over 100 children as it was created to assist with the expanding of St Judes. The school was officially inaugurated on 2 July by Archbishop Little. In 1985, a chapel and Community Centre were constructed which was later repurposed as the Parish Hall. In January 1988, St Simon’s became an independent parish, led by Fr Les Tomlinson as it’s first parish priest. Five years later, a church was inaugurated by Archbishop Little on 13 November 1993.

St Simon's School Fete
The annual St Simon the Apostle Parish Fete, organized in collaboration with St Simon the Apostle Primary School, is an eagerly awaited event in the community. This festive occasion brings together families, staff, and students for a day filled with joy and excitement. The fete features a plethora of activities, including thrilling rides that delight the children, tempting food stalls offering a variety of delicious treats, and bric-a-brac stalls where one can find hidden treasures. The harmony between the school and parish creates a vibrant atmosphere that fosters community spirit and raises funds for important initiatives. The fete is not just an event but a cherished tradition that strengthens bonds and creates lasting memories for all who attend.

Parents Association
Our school values the crucial role that parents play in their children's education. At St. Simon the Apostle, we strive to foster a supportive Family-School partnership. We are excited about building stronger connections between our school and the parent community. Our Parents Association meets once a month and all are welcome to attend the meetings.
The Parents’ Association is a forum open to all parents. Meetings are held monthly and dates are advised in the weekly newsletter, Contact. Members of the committee take responsibility for initiatives to raise funds and organise social events. Minutes of all meetings are kept, an agenda is drawn up prior to meeting and a Treasurer’s Report included. We look forward to meeting with you and personally welcoming your family as members of our community.

School Advisory Council
School Advisory Councils are an essential component of governing and operating Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Melbourne. They provide a forum for consultation and participation for parish and school communities.
The councils are advisory and call on that part of our wider Catholic tradition that sees advice given in the framework of mutual respect, right relationship and hope: a foundation of our trinitarian faith.
The School Advisory Council meets on a regular basis throughout the school year. Its primary purpose is to provide informed advice and assistance to the school Principal in respect to matters relating specifically to our school and education in general. Being a board member is not an onerous task, but it is a way of having an active input into your child/ren’s education. Information regarding nominations for membership are distributed through the school newsletter.

Get Involved
School Advisory Board - This body meets on a regular basis throughout the school year. Its primary purpose is to provide informed advice and assistance to the Parish Priest and the School Principal in respect to matters relating specifically to our school and education in general. The Facilities Management Group, a subcommittee of the School Advisory Board is responsible for organizing working bees throughout the year. Being a board member is not an onerous task, but it is a way of having an active input into your child/ren’s education.
Nominations for membership are distributed through Contact, our weekly newsletter, four weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting, which all parents are welcome to attend.
Classroom Literacy and Numeracy Helpers - During the daily two hour literacy block in Grade Prep, One and Two, the support of parents as classroom helpers is recognised as a vital component of the program. A classroom helper is asked to attend a program run at the school which provides information on both the literacy and numeracy programs and gives some insights into the development of early literacy and numeracy skills in young children.
Parents Association - The Parents’ Association is a forum open to all parents. Meetings are held monthly and dates are advised in the weekly newsletter, Contact. Members of the committee take responsibility for initiatives to raise funds and organise social events. Minutes of all meetings are kept, an agenda is drawn up prior to meeting and a Treasurer’s Report included.
Canteen - The school canteen operates every Friday for lunches only.
Excursions - On most occasions parents are welcome to participate in excursions, though sometimes numbers must be restricted when children are travelling by bus. Working With Children Check needs to be obtained and Volunteer Code of Conduct forms signed off.
Parent Helpers - Classroom helpers are most welcome to assist with classroom activities such as art activities, elective programs, sports activities, etc. Working With Children Check needs to be obtained and and Volunteer Code of Conduct forms signed off.